This project involved transforming the content from a free online PDF called “Design Thinking” written by Gavin Ambrose and Paul Harris into a pocket size handbook. The major challenge was designing a typographical system for an +80 page book. I used a 12 column grid structure which I altered every chapter: you can see a 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 column grid being used across the spreads. I added this second level of meaning to the book design to enhance the user’s experience. I paired Colfax typeface with DTL Elzevir typeface and designed the booklet in Adobe inDesign.
Summer Wheels is a book designed and curated by myself. The concept began with research what inspires me. I collected 100 images that influence and inspire me. From there, a few notable trends appeared - the colors were bright and fresh, the attitude was bold and the images were heavily influenced by streetwear and pop culture. From that I drew the conclusion that my previous life in Australia has inspired a fixation and withdrawal with the aspects of Summer. The book is broken into seven chapters that represent a unique word and color that I associate with Summer, as well as pop culture images and urban dictionary references.
When asked to think about the word "borders" and what it means to me, several different images come to mind. The Border between Mexico and the US, Borders Bookstore and the border that outlines a page. I wanted to focus on the border that lies between the internet and reality, with a specific focus on mysterious celebrity deaths that are unsolved to this day, and how people obsess over the truth, and make up their own theories on the internet. “You were Cautioned” became less of a book and more of a physical object as I transformed it into a legitimate roll of caution tape.